About Rock for America

Rock for America is a collection of resources towards the goal of harnessing the power of Rock ‘n’ Roll and related arts to save America from hate and division.

There are several components to Rock for America:

1) Website: RockForAmerica.com
Rock for America is a crowd-powered resource made up of citizen-artist-activists who are all working to save America from hate and division. Anyone can sign up. We ask that you adhere to the mission and spirit of the project. Anyone who posts hateful or divisive content or otherwise disrupts or disturbs the site will be removed.

Events: Rock for America lists events small, medium and large related to our mission. These events can be benefit shows, charity events, political rallies, activist meetings, peaceful protests, vigils – anything that furthers the cause of a hate-free and united America. Any citizen-artist-activist can add events to the site.







2) Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/rockforamerica

3) Facebook page: facebook.com/rockforamerica

4) Twitter page: twitter.com/rockforamerica @rockforamerica

Rock for America was started in Portland, Oregon by the eponymous Charles Rock – a citizen-artist-activist trying to save America.